i got a call from shannon a little over a month ago. her photographer was pulling one of those dirty wedding photographer tricks of switching her photographer at the last minute. she had a gut feeling that she needed to cancel with him. i had recently photographed her at dana and joe's wedding in march and fortunately, i was free for her wedding date. i met up with shannon and kevin and it didn't take me long to figure out that they were totally awesome and totally 'my couple' as i like to call my clients. i know that they really cherish pictures and i was really happy i was able to step in and capture their day....
one of my faves...

ah the jimmy choos...

farewell miss shattuck... hello mrs. smith

ok here is one of those mom moments again...shannon saw her mother getting teared up and went over and sat right on her lap. i would do the same thing to my mom... love it!

shannon is very animated... she is also the cheerleading coach for the nation's #3 team!

this was the most interesting 'shoe putting on' session i've ever witnessed...

i don't normally include pictures of myself when i'm blogging someone else's wedding, but what i loved about this picture was that i was standing on shannon's honeymoon bed (yes, i did take my shoes off) and she was so cool with it!

tower cottage barbie :o)

i wonder what is so funny... hah.

i've said it before and i'll say it again... family photo time is not my favorite. i really like shooting candids and family photos are just not. unless... you hang out with shannon's family. i love a family that will laugh at themselves...

you guessed it.. cutie pie...

shannon had a gorgeous dress and some great jimmy choos, but she kicked them off and hiked up her dress and trudged through the sand... my kind of bride!

at one point, kevin had to run off for a minute and i was shooting shannon when a woman came up to me and said, 'i just have to check, she isn't a real bride, right?' oh yes she is lady... believe it!

dragonflies are shannon's thing... kevin has dragonflies on his socks...she gets jimmy choos, he gets dragonfly socks...

one thing that i felt right away was the warmth from both kevin and shannon's families. it is so wonderful when you can just feel the love and happiness that a family shares and it is even more wonderful when two families come together and multiply that love and happiness. i know that sounds corny, but in this day and age, it is very special...

i really hope his shot does not come out better than mine...

you might recognize these newlyweds.... another awesome couple of mine- dana and joe!

you might even recognize this guy from dana and joe's wedding too! this has now become his wedding pose. whenever i see him at a wedding, i will demand this pose. also, ladies... if you would like to get in touch, contact me and i will get you his number...

dad fist pumping... love it!

shannon had an uber cute dress to change into for the end of the reception and after party...

thunder road...

i feel a bit repetitive, but.. another amazing couple. i am a very lucky wedding photographer to be chosen to shoot such awesome couple's weddings. thanks to robin roemer for shooting with me.
i think shannon and kevin's only regret is going to be that they didn't hire me to come along to bora bora to shoot on their honeymoon